Project Details

26 Vans to Ukraine

VW Vans Ukraine

Project Description

UEL were contracted to supply 26 Volkswagen Crafter vans to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine.

Project Overview

Unit Export Limited were tasked with supplying these vans for the National Police of Ukraine’s (NPU) as forensic investigation units.

Upon arrival into Ukraine the vans were equipped with forensic kits, ANDE rapid DNA technology mobile laboratories, and other equipment to allow the NPU to fully utilise the vans as forensic units in all regions to enhance their work even further. The equipped mobile forensic laboratories will help to handle complex forensic investigations, and rapidly identify persons’ DNA profiles in difficult field conditions.

This is part of broader support provided within the “Promotion of Human Security in Ukraine Through Responding to the Multidimensional Crisis Caused by the War” project, implemented by UNDP and financed by the Government of Japan.

Project: 26 Vans to Ukraine

Sector: Automotive

Client: UNDP

Destination: Ukraine

Status: Delivered Successfullly